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Watercolour Drawings

It seems I’ve echoed Virginia Woolf with my captioned drawing, “It’s the cracks in us that show us who we are.” Such insights are a privilege. I suggest we can learn and grow through ill health, that it’s possible to live well with disability and art practice can help to do so.

With this in mind, I’d like to turn the conversation to concern about the health of the planet and our attitude towards it. What light does the perspective gained from living with long term illness bring to how we relate to the environment? Would adopting a similar attitude ease the relationship, allowing us to reassess our approach to ecological dis-ease? (Where are we coming from? - because it makes a difference). Working to reconnect and bear witness*, I propose abstract drawings, watercolour notes, to consider the perceived rift between ourselves and the natural world.

'Limestone. Red sandstone, Sandstone.
Blue blood, bone
Stone being
far older than blood and bone'.

* Michael Taussig, 2011, I Swear I Saw This. Drawings in Fieldwork Notebooks, Namely My Own.

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