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Neath, South Wales

Social media


Jenny Alderton is a Welsh-based interdisciplinary artist who works with movement, words, and photography to create videos and installations.

My artistic work often engages with concepts of the self and identity, (dis)connectivity and(dis)communication, as well as psychogeography, space, and place.

More recently within my practice, I have been exploring crip time and theory, slow time processes, as well as analogue media technologies.


i am here now, 2021
Video, 2:53

This work explores the frustration, isolation, and restriction which come from living with and managing a chronic health condition.
The video features an anonymous character restricted to a claustrophobic domestic setting. Isolation and restriction- especially in these domicile settings- is a common experience for those with chronic health conditions. This often results in a feeling of anonymity and of being forgotten by the world. For me, this is an important motivator in continuing to create, even when constrained by ill health. Creating for me means I can express ‘i am here now’, even if that expression is only to myself.

The character’s environment is haunted by ephemeral figures: echoes of potential versions of a lost able-bodied life they grieve for, the world beyond the currently unattainable, and manifestations of their illness. These ephemeral figures are present yet evanescent. For me, this also represents my relationship with creating whilst experiencing downturns in my health. I can sense my ideas and creative practice fleeting around me, haunting; present but ungraspable.

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